vendredi 26 août 2016

Le Conseil d'Etat met un terme aux arrêtés anti-burkini - colère à droite et au FN après la décision

via IFTTT BANNING THE BURKINI Sweating South African stick fighting becomes hit with township teenagers Survivors of Kabul's American university attack describe ordeal Palestinian inmate ends 71-day hunger strike UK: Feminists, anti-racists, vicars decry 'burkini' ban outside French embassy Burkini Ban Is Good For Business | CNBC Burkini ban protesters stage beach party outside French embassy French Police Force Woman To Remove Burkini In Public Twitter Reacts to the #BurkiniBan Burkini sale soars amid French ban Woman fined for wearing Burkinis headscarf on the beach Cannes #BurkiniBan Boom for burkini business amid ban Sarkozy to run for presidency again despite allegations of corruption #BurkiniBan in France Boosts Sales Putin slams Paralympic ban as 'outside the law and humanity' Clinton argues Trump brought racism into political mainstream Migrant children go back to school at Calais "Jungle" camp French charity takes 5,000 kids from low-revenue homes to beach Colombians eager to find out 'what peace is'

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